
Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Friederike transfers sound insights from psychology into the organizational context. She composes programs from coaching and training elements and accompanies the transformation to a new work culture in coaching, training and consulting.

My Style

clear – empathic – solution-oriented

Working Languages

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

How do we shape the interaction in organizations in a way that is appropriate for people? How can everyone contribute in such a way that the path fits individually to themselves, to the task, to their own enthusiasm and to the business challenge? I’m excited about how we can do this together in organizations – to then work together in this newly conceived set-up to solve the great challenges of our time.

What I can do for you


  • Organisational and Cultural development
  • Modern HR
  • Change Management


  • Learning Journeys
  • Empowering Leadership
  • Development Programme
  • Coaching

Team Development

  • Empowerment for Teams
  • Team Development


Freelancer as coach, team and organizational developer

7 years of experience in leadership development for a multinational technology company in Germany and the USA (Boston, San Francisco)

Awarded the ATD Excellence in Practice Award for the designed program for new leaders

Worked at the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) in San Francisco.


How Leaders Can Get the Most Out of Formal Training, Human Resource Quarterly, 2017.

The skills needed to future-proof your organization, 2021, SIYLI

Professional Training

B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Psychology (LMU Munich), study abroad at UC Berkeley

Certified systemic consultant (DGSF)

Certified psychological trainer of social skills (LMU)

Agile Coach

Graduate, lecturer & juror of the Bavarian EliteAcademy


Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Her international background makes Alina the ideal contact person for consulting and coaching on topics of international cooperation and change processes.

My Style

intuitive – empathic – present

Working Languages

german – english – spanish
In coachings also serbian/croatian, portuguese

How to reach me


My Passion

The effect of interpersonal dynamics has always fascinated me. The question of how the outside affects the inner experience and vice versa, how one’s own actions affect the environment? 

It fulfills me to observe how individuals and teams develop when they meet in a safe and neutral setting. Creating spaces for such encounters is an important goal for me. To connect clients with their inner self and their environment and thus enable a change of perspective and further development.

What I can do for you


  • Changemanagement


  • Coaching
  • Learning Journeys

Team Development

  • Teambuilding
  • Coaching of project teams
  • Empowerment of teams


Business studies at the LMU Munich

14 years expert in a multinational company in the insurance industry

Client Manager with market and customer responsibility and leadership of the market team

Several years abroad in Eastern Europe and Latin America

ACC (Associate Certified Coach) with ICF (International Coach Federation), member of the Munich chapter

Professional Training

Business Coach (ACTP accredited),

Process Consultant (ComTeam Academy)

Other advanced trainings: Growth Mindset, Make Agile Work, ICF virtual education

Accredited Team Management Systems according to Margerison-McCann

Team Coach (Hephaistos)


Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Claudia grasps topics and problems accurately and intuitively. She gets to the bottom of things and recognizes what is needed in each moment.

My Style

approaching – designating – pragmatic

Working Languages

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

How potentials can be released anew and one’s own effectiveness can be increased is of great interest to me. This applies to individuals as well as to teams and organizations. I like to support and challenge. Going into depth in a precise and process-oriented way to find out what is needed for a change is always an exciting, multifaceted transformation journey. When interrelationships become tangible, understandable and thus changeable in dialogue, my heart always opens up.

What I can do for you


  • Learning Journeys
  • Empowering Leadership
  • Development Programme
  • Coaching

Team Development

  • Executive Team Coaching
  • Empowerment for Teams
  • Team Development


Trainer and coach since 2005

Six years as personnel developer and head of training in two medium-sized companies with management responsibility (disciplinary and in projects)

Business psychologist and qualified social pedagogue with a focus on adult education

Professional Training

Coaching Training (Hephaistos)

Masterclass Coaching (Hephaistos)

Qualification Consulting in Organizations

Certification Hogan Assessment



Christine stands for clear and authentic consulting. She quickly grasps complex situations and develops pragmatic solutions with her clients. As a coach, she supports her clients in releasing potential.

My Style

profound – appreciative – structured

Working Languages

german – english – swedish

How to reach me


My Passion

People inspire me. How individuals and teams meaningfully contribute their performance and potential in the work environment always opens up contexts for new perspectives.

With a passion for learning, I enjoy developing forward-looking solutions and scope for action in collaboration with others.

What I can do for you


  • Coaching
  • Learning Journeys
  • Empowering Leadership
  • Development Programme
  • Intercultural Programme
  • Conflict and crisis consulting

Team Development

  • Teambuilding
  • Executive Teamcoaching
  • Empowerment for Teams


25 years of management experience in medium-sized companies, international corporations in industry, trade and services as well as international, non-profit organizations

Long-term stays abroad in the U.S.A. and Europe

M.A. Business Administration/M.A. Non Profit Management:
Focus on finance, marketing/PR as well as change management, conflict management and (social) entrepreneurship

Professional Training

Coach training at Hephaistos Coaching Zentrum (DBVC certified)

Advanced training: Leadership Agility, Growth Mindset, Make Agile Work, Empowerment for Teams, Metatheory of Change

Accredited Team Management Systems according to Margerison-McCann

Dr. Franziska


With her versatile experience and extensive scientific knowledge, Franziska supports you in a goal-oriented manner on various levels. Extensive involvement and participative structures as well as clear, target group oriented communication in the design of change are, in her view, the factors that promote success.

My Style

solution-oriented – strong implementation – holistic thinking

Working Languages

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

Commitment of individuals in the context of collaboration with others is the driver for creativity and pragmatism at the same time. As a result, diverse teams come up with the best possible solutions for the organization. Above all, if joy and fun are integrated in the everyday life of team collaboration, the development of the self and the organization is enhanced. Being able to make an essential contribution as a consultant and coach in this context is the driving force behind my work.

What I can do for you


  • Accompaniment of Change- und Transformation
  • Design of complex Change architecture
  • Transformation consulting for decision makers
  • Design and Moderation of participative large group formats


  • Design and Implementation of blended learning formats
  • Outline and Implementation of learning nuggets and holistic learning journeys
  • Development of specific gamification approaches up to serious games

Team Development

  • Empowerment for Teams
  • Team Coaching


Leadership, management and consulting experience
since 2011 (Head of Department Blended-Learning & Consulting, Consultant)

Studies | Environmental and Occupational Health and Applied Psychology (PhD), Consumer Psychology (MSc)

Publications | Increasing Workers’ Health and Safety Engagement (2021), Identifying management practices that drive production-line workers’ engagement through qualitative analysis (2021), For want of a nail (2020)

Professional Training

Master Coach

Gallup Strength Finder Coach

Business Trainer (SHB)

MRG Leadership Effectiveness Analysis Coach


Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

For more than 15 years Violeta supports people and organizations in complex transformations. She inspires with an appreciative and solution oriented mindset. Violeta enables leaders and teams to bei fit for New Work

My Style

empathic – potential-oriented – inspiring

Working Language

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

I accompany people in organizations to develop the necessary mindset and skills for today’s challenges. We are experiencing a profound transformation in the world of work, which is becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable. This presents us with new challenges. This external change needs an internal change. There are immense opportunities and possibilities here to reshape our form of leadership and collaboration. In doing so, we can discover existing resources together and develop potentials for a working world in transition. This is what excites and moves me about my work.

What I can do for you


  • Corporate Culture Change
  • New Work Coaching


  • Learning Journeys
  • New Ways of Working (e.g. Empowering Leadership, Hybrid, Agile)
  • Coaching und Training


  • Team-buildng with focus on new ways of working
  • Empowerment for Teams 
  • Executive Team Coaching


Over 15 years of experience in change management, transformation support and organizational development at BSH Hausgeräte

Leading a three-year culture change program at BSH with a focus on new forms of leadership and collaboration

Since 2015, built and led various grassroots movements and co-creative employee networks at BSH such as Internal Coaching Program, LGBT+ Employee Network and Multiplier / Trainer Community  

Since 2017 speaker and blogger around new work topics 

Studies in economic engineering

Professional Training

New Work Coach based on hypnosystemic counseling (Milton Erickson and Symbolon Institut) 

Gestalt therapist & Coach (Symbolon Insitut)

Design Thinking Coach (HPI)

Resilienztrainer (BIEK)



Sonja is an experienced change consultant, coach and trainer. She supports executives and teams of all hierarchical levels and cultures in their development. She opens new perspectives and ensures results with a quick perception and very good intuition.

My Style

empathic – demanding – energizing

Working Languages

german – english – spanish

How to reach me


My Passion

Accompanying people, teams and organizations in change and their further development is what drives me.
To elaborate where their journey should go, adapting to what constant change brings, defining their goals and taking everyone with me on the journey to achieve them, are the things that give me joy.

What I can do for you


  • Changemanagement
  • Organizational and Cultural development
  • Strategy and Transformation implementation
  • New Ways of Working


  • Coaching
  • Learning Journeys
  • Development Programme
  • Empowering Leadership

Team Development

  • Teambuilding
  • Empowerment for Teams
  • Executive Team Coaching
  • Coaching of international Teams


Professional and management experience in national and international companies in the banking and real estate sector especially responsible for projects and strategy development. 

Consultant and team developer in Germany and 3 years in Mexico for national and international companies.

Studies: International Business and Human Resource Management University of Applied Sciences Würzburg and Universidad Salamanca

Professional Training

Systemic Change Manager IOC Augsburg

Systemic Business Coach Munich Academy for Business Coaching

EFQM Trainer and Assesor.

Dr. Stephanie


Stephanie has many years of experience as an HR executive. She advises from practice for practice. With empathy and structure she creates trust, awakens potential and opens new perspectives.

My Style

empathic – pragmatic – solution-oriented

Working Languages

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

Clarity and deep relationships are my main motivators. We live in times of increasing complexity and change. I am motivated by helping people gain clarity and identify appropriate ways to lead and collaborate. It is especially important to me to develop deep, long-lasting relationships of openness and trust that allow for both challenge and support. To be able to accompany and support growth and further development on this basis is my great passion and inspires me again and again.

What I can do for you


  • Change Management
  • Modern HR
  • New Ways of Working


  • Coaching
  • Learning Journeys
  • Development Programme
  • Empowering Leadership

Team Development

  • Empowerment for Teams
  • X-Company Programme
  • Executive Team Coaching


14 years of professional and management experience in a major international corporation (BSH Hausgeräte GmbH)

Management and expert roles in HR, Head of Corporate Training Academy, Human Resources Development

Study of education (M.A.) Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

Doctorate in the field of adult education & eLearning

Professional Training

Team developer (Hephaistos Coaching Center)

Systemic Consultant (MISW, DGSF)

Scrum Master (Egeria Consulting)

Agile Coach (ACPC)

Kanban Management Professional (Egeria Consulting)


Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Stephanie accompanies executives and teams confidently through change processes. She promotes potentials and opens up new perspectives through her high analytical ability and her motivating and empathic manner.

My Style

empathic – innovative – motivating

Working Languages

german – english

How to reach me


My Passion

Against the background of great changes and increasing complexity, I would like to enable a space for development and support people in getting in touch with their resources and creative potential. I am motivated to promote the creativity of people and organizations, to accompany the design of innovation and thus to make learning from the future possible.

What I can do for you


  • Leadership Coaching
  • Coaching on personality development
  • Leadership Training
  • Career Consulting
  • Coaching potential analysis and development

Team development

  • Empowerment for Teams
  • Team development
  • 360-Degree Feedbacks


Freelancing consultant, trainer, coach since 2015.

Working as HR Business Partner and Senior HR and Organizational Developer in global companies for over 10 years.

Extensive experiences as HR manager in transformation processes and crisis situations (incl. downsizing / closing locations).

Studies in psychology (LMU, Munich)

Professional Training

Coach for personality development, Dietz Coaching (recognized by DBVC / IOBC)

Licensed in various potential and coaching methods (360° Feedback, Gallup Strengths Finder, Reiss Profile Master, MBTI)


Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Melissa Stahl brings many years of experience in communications and training at a global corporate level.

She is an empathetic listener who can take herself back. Her resource-oriented, structured way of working and her ability to present complex issues precisely and in clear words provide security and create a trusting atmosphere that enables sustainable change

My Style

empathic – to the point – calm

Working Languages

german – english – spanish

How to reach me


My Passion

The moments when individuals or teams suddenly see things from a new perspective and develop an understanding for other points of view fill me with joy and inspiration, because they are often the key to personal and collective change. I love helping teams to reorganize themselves, create a culture of appreciative dialogue and develop a shared vision in order to be prepared for the current challenges of our time.

What I can do for you


  • Innovation
  • Service Design Thinking
  • Agile Transformation


  • Learning Journeys
  • Agile Methods
  • Coaching

Team Development

  • Empowerment for Teams


Langjährige Erfahrung im internationalen Großkonzern im Kommunikations- und Trainingsbereich (BSH Hausgeräte GmbH)

Kompetenzfelder: Kulturarbeit und Kommunikation im Konzern, Werteentwicklung, Teamentwicklung, Selbstführung

Professional Training

Studium: Span. und ital. Sprachwissenschaft sowie Deutsch als Fremdsprache (M.A.) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Weiterbildung: u. a. Ausbildung zum systemischen Business Coach (DBVC) und systemischen Teamcoach (QRC), Masterclass in Nudging (iNudgeyou), diverse, Kommunikations- und Projektmanagement-Seminare